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About Our Careers Help

The Careers Team are always available to offer advice and appointments can be booked directly through the LRC with any of the staff.

Our provision includes: career led assemblies at all key stages: 1:1 interviews in year 8, 10, 11, 12 and 13; a whole school careers fair; tutorial sessions focusing on careers; individual career booklets and advice leaflets.

Careers Staff

What resources do we provide for careers help?

  • a tutor led careers education programme
  • a comprehensive range of careers and options information resources covering the full range of educational and work based options – available in the LRC and via the LRC sharepoint page
  • an annual careers and options fair
  • talks to students on a variety of careers/options
  • appointments with an apprenticeship adviser as required
  • an Curriculum Pathway Evening and appointments in year 8 for students to discuss their key stage 4 option choices
  • appointments in year 10 and 11 to discuss post 16 plans
  • appointments in the sixth form to discuss post 18 plans
  • tutor led support with university applications
  • university partnerships including links to tasters and summer schools for eligible students
  • work experience in the sixth form
  • access for students and parents/carers to staff qualified in careers information, advice or guidance
  • a role for selected students to contribute as “career ambassadors”
  • work experience in year 10

Further resources