
Excellent attendance at school leads to outstanding education and outcomes

At Seaford Head School, we aim for an environment which enables and encourages all members of the community to achieve their best. For our students to be able to gain the most from their education it is vital they attend school, on time, every day unless the reason for absence is unavoidable. We expect all students to be aiming for 100% attendance.

Helping to create a pattern of regular attendance is everybody’s responsibility – parents/carers, students and all members of school staff.

Seaford Head School expect all parents/carers to promote good attendance.


To help us all to focus on this the school will:

  • Give you details on attendance in our termly school newsletter.
  • Report to you throughout the academic year on how your child is performing in school and what their attendance percentage is.
  • Celebrate good attendance by sharing house achievements and individual achievements.
  • Promote student attendance through tutor time activities and assemblies and whole school challenges
  • Award termly house points to students, 6 House Points for 100%, 3 House Points for 96% to 99.9%, 1 House Points a week for 100% a message is also sent home to parent/carers informing them of the achievement.

What can you do to help?

As a parent or carer you can help by:

  • ensuring your child understands the importance of excellent attendance and punctuality
  • discussing any problems they may have at school and inform their Assistant Head of Year
  • not allowing them take to time off school for minor ailments
  • arranging appointments after school hours, at weekends or during school holidays will help to prevent disruption to your child’s education and to the school

As a student, you can improve your attendance by:

  • trying hard every morning to get up and get to school, unless you are really unwell​
  • speaking to a trusted adult about the reasons why you might not want to come to school
  • make sure you get to school on time every day
  • Aim for 100% attendance

Attendance Team

Notification of Absence

Frequently Asked Questions

Missing out on lessons leaves children vulnerable to falling behind. Seaford Head School seeks to ensure that all its students receive a full-time education which maximizes opportunities for each student to realise their true potential both socially and academically.

Over a period of five school years, a student with 90% attendance will have missed half of a whole year of schooling. Similarly, students with poor punctuality miss valuable lesson time and, if it happens regularly, progress will be jeopardised.

Unauthorised absences are those which the school does not consider reasonable and for which no authorisation has been given. This type of absence can lead to sanctions and/or legal proceedings.

Unauthorised absence includes:

  • Parents/carers keeping students off school unnecessarily
  • Truancy before or during the academy day
  • Absences which have never been properly explained
  • Students who arrive at school after registration has closed.
  • Shopping, looking after other siblings or birthdays
  • Day trips and holidays in term time – trips and holidays should not be taken during term time. Fixed Penalty Notices will be issued by East Sussex Behaviour and Attendance Service for unauthorised holiday absence during term time. This fine is payable at £80 per child, per parent if paid within a certain time.

We cannot guarantee that we will authorise a student’s leave of absence during term time, as this is only done in exceptional circumstances. If you don’t get permission from the Headteacher, the absence is classed as ‘unauthorised’. If you want to see if an absence can be authorised, you must contact school in advance and get permission from the Headteacher.

We keep parents/carers up to date with their child’s attendance and confirm absences with them; this makes sure students are supported in their progress.

Our Attendance Team work really hard to support students and often identify patterns of non-attendance. They will always work with parents and carers to understand these patterns and see how they can be improved.

​If you are concerned about your child’s school attendance, it is always best to talk to us first. We have a dedicated Attendance team who are here to help students and families.

Students with attendance of less than 95% are monitored closely by the Pastoral Team (Attendance Manager and Student Support Officers).

Contact the Attendance Team:

Mrs P Haigh-Stephens –

Education Welfare Officer-

Mrs J Owen –

Your child’s Student Support Officer:

Mrs S Maloney – sarah (Year 7)

Ms E Gallagher – (Year 8)

Miss E Phillips – 9)

Mrs T Mason – (Year 10)

Mrs E Fleming – (Year 11)

  • 96% to 93% – Student mentored by their Tutor and also seen by the Attendance officer
  • 92% to 90% – student seen by Attendance Officer and/or Director of Learning. Parent also invited into school for a meeting to discuss Attendance and how the school can help. Penalty fine process may be started.
  • 90% to 85% – second meeting held to discuss progress. Educational Welfare Officer will also be asked to be involved on certain cases. ESBAS referral will also be considered for certain cases.
  • 85% and below – ESBAS referral submitted with parents support. Students/Parents who have had Penalty Fines for non-attendance may have court proceedings started against them.

Our Attendance Target


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