For all students uniform is an important feature of the school.
We want our students to look smart and well groomed. The standard of uniform is carefully maintained by vigilant staff and we are helped by the support provided by our parents/carers. We adopt a zero tolerance approach to untidy and inappropriate uniform.
If students are not in correct uniform, parents/carers will be contacted and expected to rectify this. If parents/carers are unable to do so, and these items are missing for a second time, students will be sent home to get them and will return to school or will be placed in the isolation until rectified.
Uniform checks are carried out daily and incorrect uniform will lead to a lunchtime detention. Inappropriate items will be confiscated. Students can collect confiscated items at the end of the school day if pertinent. If confiscated for a second day parents/carers will be expected to collect the items. Students will receive sanctions for non-compliance with the uniform standards and for further details please see our Uniform Policy and Behaviour Policy.
Compulsory Items
- Navy-blue blazer with school logo and house badge. The school will provide a free iron on badge. However, a parent/carer can choose to buy a pin badge from school if they would prefer.
- Tailored, light-blue shirt with collar and a school tie or tailored, light-blue, fitted blouse with open neck.
- Ties must be worn correctly with at least six white stripes showing. The top button of the shirt needs to be done up.
- Mid-grey, waist-fitted, tailored trousers (no chinos, jeggings, cargo trousers or jeans). Any belts should be plain black with a normal and discreet buckle and essential to the fit of the clothing. Trousers should be worn correctly. Students can choose to wear the school kilt (see below) instead of trousers.
- Black, navy, grey or white socks that must be worn below the knee
- Black, navy or grey tights.
- Smart, flat, formal black shoes, (no boots, trainers or canvas shoes)
- School rucksack with school logo (different styles are available at Intersport).
Optional Items
- Long-sleeved, navy-blue V-necked pullover with logo.
- Navy-blue V-necked slipover with school logo.
- School kilt bought from Intersport in Seaford. (Kilts should be uniform style and an appropriate length, no shorter than top of knee.) Students who repeatedly roll their kilts up, where it does not meet our expectations regarding kilt length, will no longer be able to wear the school kilt, as it is an optional item and will be expected to wear trousers instead.
- From term 5, students may wear plain, mid grey tailored knee length shorts.
- More detailed information regarding school uniform can be found within the uniform policy.
Lack of equipment in lessons hinders independent learning. The minimum equipment required is:
- 2 black pens [public examinations only allow black, so getting into the habit of having black pen is vital]
- 1 green pen
- 2 pencils
- Calculator*
- Rubber
- 15/30cm ruler
- Reading book
* It is noted that the Mathematics Department recommend purchasing a Casio Scientific calculator, as this model has functions that will be used when studying GCSE Mathematics in KS4.
This list is not exhaustive and from time to time these criteria are open to interpretation. It will be for the Assistant Headteacher for either KS3 or KS4 to determine acceptability.