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Student Voice

Every student has a voice, and at Seaford Head every student has the opportunity to share that voice. We believe that everyone should take an active part in the development of the school impacting not only on their experience but also on the experience of future members of the school. All students are encouraged to participate in Student Voice.

House Voices

Within our House System each tutor group has 2 representatives who will meet as part of a year group, to discuss any issues that arise for that year group. The agenda items are raised and discussed by the students themselves.

2 students from each year will then meet as a complete School Council termly to debate the route ahead. The House Captains and School Captains are not the only senior members on the Council, in the past they have been joined by the Seaford Young Mayor and Deputy Young Mayor who can then take forward any ideas to Seaford Town Council. Students therefore take a big role within the school enabling them to make something happen.

Student Voice is a vital component in the wheel of school life. #Seafordheadcan.
