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Starting Secondary School

Starting Year 7

I am very proud to be the Headteacher at Seaford Head School. Seaford Head is a dynamic and exciting learning community where students work extremely hard and enjoy all aspects of school life. We expect all our Year 7 students to have big dreams and ambitions for the future and we will encourage and guide you, as you work towards turning these dreams into reality. We look forward to you studying conscientiously in lessons and taking full advantage of the wide range of opportunities that will be presented to you outside of the classroom. We have the highest expectations of every member of our school community and we will challenge you to become the very best you can be. You are at the start of a very exciting journey and we will support you every step of the way.




Open Evening


For our Open Evening for prospective Year 7 students and parents/carers for September 2024 please click on the link below for further information.

What does transition mean at Seaford Head School?

We are very proud of the transition programme at our school. We feel it is vital for our new intake to feel that all their worries and questions are dealt with in a caring informative way. Key staff will meet with the Year 6 students in terms 5/6 in our feeder primary schools. Those students that are outside the Seaford area will be invited in to meet other students that are in the same position, which gives these students the sense of “not being alone” when starting a school without the primary school foundations of our community area. We invite our parents/carers into our school the week before the Taster Week for a Welcome Evening, where they will get the opportunity to also meet the tutors and key staff for Year 7.

Transition 2024- Timetable of Events

Date & Time
Mr Pratt to commence Year 6 Transition Visits to Seaford area Primary Schools
w/c Wednesday 24th April to Tuesday 4th June 2024.
Taster Morning for students from Primary Schools that are outside the Seaford area
Wednesday 22nd May 2024
Steyne Site
Confirmation of Tutor Group
Via primary school, week commencing Monday 1st July 2024 and before Welcome Evening. Letters will be posted to out of Seaford Primary Schools.
Year 6 Parents and Carers Welcome Evening; Steyne Site
Thursday 4th July 2024.
5.00pm Hall and 5.25pm in Tutor Room and finish at 6.00pm (BL1, BL2, BE1 and BE2)
5.40pm Hall and 6.05pm in Tutor Room and finish at 6.40pm (C1, C2, F1 and F2)
Main Hall and Tutor Rooms, Steyne Site.
Taster Week
Monday 8th July 2024 to Friday 12th July 2024 (Students to be in their own Primary School uniform)
Steyne Site
Years 6/7 Festival in the Sun
Thursday 11th July 2024: 5.30pm-7.00pm
Steyne Site Field (Tickets to be purchased in Taster Week and can be purchased on the door)
Colour Dash
Friday 12th July 2024
Steyne Site Field

What happens in Taster Week?

All students who are due to start at Seaford Head School in September are invited to spend the week with us in July. This gives them a real feel of our school community. They will become familiar with their full timetable and meet all their teachers and key staff who will be welcoming them in the new academic year. This week allows students to adjust to the secondary school environment, know where their classrooms are and what subjects they will be studying. We feel it vital for the new Year 7 students to feel confident and excited about starting with us in September after the long, summer break.

To encourage the new Year 7 students to socialise and strengthen their bond as a group, we also have the Fun in the Sun Festival, which is an outdoor event full of games, music and refreshments held in the early evening, along with our current Year 7. We have our whole school Colour Dash on the last day of Taster Week which takes place on the school field. 

What support will my child receive in Taster Week?

Whilst some students are really excited about starting secondary school, we also understand that it can be very daunting for some others. Our school has a strong ethos regarding wellbeing and we want to encourage all of our students to feel safe and cared for whilst at school. Our Assistant Heads of Year offer emotional wellbeing support to the students throughout their time at Seaford Head School to guide them through challenges that they may face during the school day. We also have a Lunch Club which is geared towards providing an alternative environment for students. Students can play chess, cards or board games, draw or colour, or just come for a chat. The club is there for students to drop-in so there is no sign up required. This support is available through the whole of Year 7.

Other Useful Resources

How can students travel to Seaford Head SchoolDownload now
BBC Bitesize – Starting Secondary SchoolVisit page
Summer School New Year 7 2024Download now
Festival in the sun July 2023Download now
Colour Dash Poster 2024Download now