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Keys to Success

Do you hold the Keys to Success?

If you hold these values then you can be recognised with a Key to Success. Every one of the students and staff in the School can be awarded any one of the Keys to Success. The Head teacher will give the Keys to Success to students and staff throughout the Year.

Keys have been awarded for outstanding accumulation of House Points, helping in Emergencies, working with diversity groups, or just plain working hard in lessons. You can achieve all the Keys to Success throughout your time at Seaford Head.

Positive Contributions

Students and staff across the school are encouraged to make positive contributions in the school community and beyond.


Students and staff throughout their time in the school should demonstrate a Can-Do attitude to their studies and in the wider community.


Our intentions through the school are to behave with honest intentions and be true to ourselves and others.

for All

Students and staff work with mutual respect and respect their surroundings inside and outside of the school.


Students and Staff will work hard to get the best outcomes for each other and the school.