Free School Meals

Children may get free school meals if their parents or carers receive any of these benefits:

If you have already been registered it might be worth checking if this is still valid.  Some applications need to be renewed when moving to secondary school or expire after a certain amount of years.

If you need support to complete the application please email and our Parent Support Practitioner will be in touch.

Huggg food vouchers for school holidays

Children who are eligible for free school meals can get Huggg food vouchers in the school holidays. Children who qualify for early years funding because they are from a low-income household can also get Huggg vouchers.

The amount will depend on the length of the school holiday, but it is at least £15 for half term and at least £30 for longer holidays. The vouchers are funded by central government as part of the Household Support Fund.

Once you receive your voucher, you need to activate it by a set date. If you do not, it will be cancelled. Once you have activated the voucher, you have a year to spend it. 

How to get a Huggg voucher

The vouchers are issued before each holiday via schools, colleges and early years providers.

If you have already received your voucher, but are unsure how to use it, you can find helpful guides on the Huggg website: How do I use my voucher?

If you think you are eligible but haven’t received a voucher, please contact your school, college or provider first.

If you are still having issues you can contact ESCC Free School Meals team: Email:

Stay healthy

Help your family be healthier and happier, by eating well and moving more: change4life – NHS

Cost of living

Find out what support is available to help with the cost of living: Cost of living support | East Sussex County Council

East Sussex Holiday Activities and Food Programme

This page shows all the Summer holiday activities in East Sussex funded by the Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme. There are more than 80 providers operating across the county so activities to appeal to everyone. Funded activities are available for free to young people in receipt of benefits-related free school meals (FSM). Look at individual provider pages to find out more about their activities and to book a place. Information about the ESCC HAF programme is available here – Guidance and further cost of living support is available here – 

Cheaper travel

Find out what support is available to help with the cheaper travel: Cheaper travel

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