
Our Assessment Structure

At Seaford Head Assessments can take many forms not only are we continually assessing a student’s level of work, we also have a formalised structure of Exam Weeks throughout Years 7-13. This is not only so we can track a student’s progress and identify areas for improvement but we also use the results and performance to enhance and develop the education of all students.

How we use Assessments

We use assessment at certain curriculum end points which can capture a student’s current level of ability.

Providing students with assessment opportunities in every year group with the formalised structure of Exam Weeks will prepare the Student’s for their exams at Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5. In order to prepare everyone appropriately at various points of child’s education starting in Year 7 with their Reading and Spelling Tests we can build up a picture to support all of the students that sit exams.

In each Year group there are a minimum of 2 Exam periods this gives a student the opportunity to be successful, experience the exam conditions and also work out their preferred way to revise and prepare. Work before these assessment episodes will be done to support students with various strategies to revise efficiently and effectively.

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