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What is our Departmental Intent?:

PE promotes health and wellbeing within the curriculum. For excellence to develop, students gain the knowledge and understanding, skills, capabilities and attributes necessary for mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing now 
 and in the future.

 PE promotes Cultural Capital, providing a variety of experiences that will encourage students to build character and    resilience in a range of real world and educational contexts. PE helps young people to make sense of the importance of leading healthy active lifestyles in a practical and theory environment making reference to key factors,
Applied anatomy and physiology • Movement analysis • Physical training • Use of data, • Sports psychology • Socio-cultural influences • Health, fitness and wellbeing• Use of data.

It is the intention of the PE curriculum to:
 Deliver a high-quality physical education curriculum that inspires all students to succeed and excel.
 Develop students’ physical literacy and competence in a broad variety of sports and activities.
 Enable students to organise their knowledge using the underpinning ‘key concepts’ of the subject
 Apply their understanding to unique situations to make informed decisions.

The PE curriculum will support the wider aims of the School by:
 Develop students’ literacy skills within Physical Education, understanding, knowledge, and skills.
 Developing students’ understanding of the importance of healthy active lifestyles including balanced diets and the role it plays in supporting mental health and well-being.
 Raising awareness of potential careers related to the subject hence widening their potential pathways in the future.
 Providing an enriching, engaging and rewarding experience.

Curriculum Intent

Knowledge Organisers

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