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Examinations & Results

15/08/24-A-Level Results Day-Students can collect results from the Sixth Form Centre, 9:00am-11:30am.

22/08/24-GCSE Results Day-Year 11 students can collect results from the Arundel Road site hall, 9:00am-11:00am. Year 10 students can collect from 10:00am-11:00am.

Seaford Head School Students Once Again Celebrating Excellent GCSE Results

Students at Seaford Head School are once again celebrating excellent GCSE results.  Bob Ellis, Headteacher commented, “I am so proud of this group of young people.  Their education was disrupted the most by the pandemic, as after the lockdowns they were restricted to a zone within the school as they started their GCSEs.  The way that they have overcome these challenges and pulled together as a group is truly inspirational.  I would also like to thank our fantastic staff.  These results and the staggering A-Level results from last week highlight how their efforts make a huge difference to our young people’s life-chances.”

With 3 out of every 4 students achieving a grade 4 in both English and Maths and over 95% of students achieving 5 GCSE grades, the whole cohort is celebrating.  Top individual achievers include Elias Webber, Taylor Collins, Amelie Procter and Sidney Brooks who secured 32 grade 9s between them.  Jago Mather, Edward Moakes, Taylor Collins and Harry Burch also secured 11 GCSEs at grades 7 – 9 whilst Xin Shi, Logan Rutherford and Olivia Ruckes are celebrating making the most academic progress since joining the school.

Bess Novitt, Head of Year for the year group commented.  “It has been such a positive outcome following the journey for this year group and I loved being their Head of Year.  They have been so determined and been fantastically supported by their parents and carers.  Before today, my proudest moment had been seeing the year group come together for the celebration at the school prom but this surpasses that.  They have worked so hard to secure the outcomes that will see them onto the next stage of their education and they fully deserve the golden future that awaits them.”

Amelie Procter who secured a staggering 9 GCSEs at grade 9 and will be studying French, Psychology and English at Seaford Head Sixth Form commented, “I am so happy today and I can’t wait to get started on my A-Levels.  I heard that 4 students from Seaford made it to Oxford this year and that is a pathway that I would like to follow.” 


“We are off to Oxford!” Outstanding A - Level results for students at Seaford Head Sixth Form

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